Statement against Hateful comments
Recently, we encountered hateful comments on a post we shared celebrating the LGBTQIA+ community at the heart of Boomtown. We are deeply proud of our beautiful LGBTQIA+ crews, artists, performers and citizens and we will wholeheartedly continue to celebrate the diverse communities that make our city come to life.
The kind of negativity we saw on Saturday goes against everything we stand for at Boomtown. We sincerely apologise to those who were targeted and to anyone and everyone who was affected. We were angered and saddened by the hateful comments. There's no place for that here.
We have a zero tolerance on any type of hate speech and our team swiftly removed the offensive comments and blocked the accounts. Unfortunately, further comments required us to disable comments entirely to protect everyone.
We've also created a blacklist to prevent these individuals from spreading hate on our platforms. Where possible, we'll be taking steps to prevent them from attending the festival now or in the future. We want to make it very clear that anyone with this type of view is not welcome at Boomtown.
In solidarity and love,
Boomtown HQ x
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