Joy Orbison's flight fm ignited dancefloors last Boomtown!
Anyone who was at Boomtown Revolution of Imagination will tell you that almost every set was completed with Joy Orbison's flight fm in some shape or form.
Whether it was the track in its original form or creatively mashed up with an acapella this banger ignited any dancefloor at Boomtown. The best flip in our opinion was when Ross from Friends used the acapella of "Like a Prayer" by Madonna over the top. Creative DJing at its best!
There's something universal about those iconic rhythms Joy Orbison has crafted that makes it an undeniable banger! It's kind of Breakbeat, kind of Garage, kind of UK Funky but not enough to be pigeonholed as anything. It's a testament to his natural production skills that the tune was crafted while waiting for a ride to a festival.
As a producer, he goes much further than just dancefloor bangers though. His EPs, such as Slipping, are well-crafted, detailed examples of sound design at its best. The 2019 EP was decorated with intimate recordings of conversations with his family such as in tracks W Dad. It's a real humanising touch that makes this collection of songs feel like a real window into the producer's life.
There's no doubt this is going to be one of the hottest sets we see this summer in the fields.
If you haven't already, secure your Boomtown ticket and come join us at Chapter Four: Power of Now.
So much has been revealed in this trailer!
The Wailer's did a legendry set at Boomtown in 2014!
Trust us, these guys are on to HUGE things!