Our impact


A music festival, but not as you know it.


We’re on a mission to inspire millions to transform our world, all while having a blast. 

We're committed to our planet, aiming for circular and Net Zero Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions by 2026.

This means:
Renewable Energy: Powering our city with renewables.
Circular Economy: No more throwaway culture.
Greener Travel: Reducing emissions access the board
Sustainable Food: Good for people and the planet.

Our Pledge to You

Avoid Fossil Fuels: Embrace sustainable alternatives.
Recycling Facilities: Easy sorting on-site.
Salvaging Partnerships: Reusing old materials.
Eco Warriorz: More teams to fight campsite waste.
Data Monitoring: Tracking our impact for improvement.
Shuttle System: Reducing traffic and emissions.

Your Pledge to Boomtown

To keep our city green, you can help by:

Sustainable Travel: Carpool or use public transport.
Conserve Water: Report leaks and don't waste.
Use Recycling: Sort your waste correctly.
No Litter: Keep our city clean.
Take It Home: Leave no trace and get an Eco Bond reward.


Creativity, Connection, and Celebration, are at the heart of everything we do. And we believe it's all about respect—for yourself, each other, and our beautiful planet.


In a world where conformity is valued over creativity, we want to provide a platform that nurtures artistic freedom and pushes the boundaries of creative expression.


In a world where digital connection so often replaces physical connection, we cherish the depth of connection that comes from the gathering of humans.


In a world that can so often feel overloaded, we want to celebrate the very best this beautiful planet and all humanity can achieve in one almighty party where everyone is welcome. 

Respect yourself

In a world that can make us doubt our own worth, we want to provide a space for self empowerment, freedom of expression and most importantly self care.

Respect Each Other 

In a world that is deeply scarred by the open wounds of racism and prejudice, we want people of all backgrounds, beliefs, ages, gender identities, sexual orientations, abilities and races to know that you belong and we strive to keep you safe in our city.

Respect The Planet

In a world that is burning, we call on our collective humanity to come together to find solutions and care for nature, as she cares for us.

Giving Back

Our Non-Profit Partners

We believe that when we come together, we accomplish great things. We’re passionate about making a difference and work with a number of nonprofits and social enterprises, who inspire kindness, not competition, towards people and the planet.

Plant a Tree for £3

Donate £3 today to plant a tree with our partners the South Downs National Park. Donate today and make a difference.



Taking global action to restore the Earth’s forests, TreeSisters has been our partner since 2019. They take direct climate action through ethical reforestation and renaturing. Through our work together we are protecting and restoring species and habitats and are part of a growing network that has so far funded planting of over 27 million trees.


South Downs National Park (SDNP)

Boomtown is built on borrowed land. We are committed to supporting the SDNP to achieve its two core objectives:

1. Conserve and enhance the park’s natural beauty, wildlife, and cultural heritage.

2. Promote opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of the National Park by the public.

Over 55% of you have told us you will be visiting the South Downs National Park as a result of attending Boomtown. This is epic news and we urge you to take care of this precious natural resource, and make sure the only footprints we all leave are on the dancefloor.



Ecolibrium started life in 2015 as ‘Energy Revolution,’ a festival industry response to COP21 and research shows that travel typically causes up to 80% of a festival's carbon emissions. As a founding festival member, Boomtown continues this important work by keeping climate action and low-carbon travel at the heart of our culture.

Drug Awareness

The Loop

The Loop provide information and advice on drug-related risks, aiming to prevent misuse and educate about potential dangers. They are campaigning hard to regain the ability to provid anonymous drug testing facilities at festivals. We partner year round with The Loop to support their incredible work.

Violence Against Women, Girls and other Vulnerable People

Safer Spaces Now

Safer Spaces Now is the next step to creating equality and safety for all at festivals and events through education, training and providing vital, immediate and specialist support.

They work to prevent and address harassment, discrimination, and violence by providing trained staff and volunteers who promote respectful behaviour using the five D’s of active bystanders. Safer Spaces Now offers support and resources for anyone who feels unsafe or violated during the event. We are passionate about their important work.